According to TCM, meridians play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Meridians serve as pathways for the flow of Qi and blood in the body, and any blockage in the meridians can lead to various diseases. Therefore, it is essential to keep the meridians clear and unobstructed.
Meridian massage therapy, originating from the ancient Chinese medical text "Huangdi Neijing" 2,500 years ago, is a form of massage that strictly follows the principles of TCM meridian theory. Doctors diagnose based on meridian differentiation and then apply massage techniques that follow the pathways of meridians and collaterals, mainly stimulating specific acupuncture points to promote overall metabolism. This helps to regulate and harmonize the functions of different body parts, maintain the relative balance of Yin and Yang, and enhance the body's natural ability to resist diseases. Clinical practice has proven that massage of meridians and acupuncture points has anti-inflammatory, fever-reducing, and immune-enhancing effects.
As people's work pace becomes faster and life stress becomes heavier, health issues have become more prominent. Many individuals may appear healthy on the surface but experience suboptimal health due to long-term work fatigue, resulting in physical weakness and mental fatigue. Meridian massage therapy serves as a shortcut to address and improve this state. It not only plays a preventive role in disease management and monitoring but also contributes to overall well-being and physical fitness.